- 5G System Architectureby suboktech – rranchesIntroduction 5G is one of the main driver of network transformation and a perfect spot to start with. As we begin to introduce this new technology in the network we leave the legacy part untouched. 5G is the fifth generation radio access network (RAN). It (5G) is not only an aspect of the radio access portion… Read More »5G System Architecture
- Voice over LTE (VoLTE)by suboktech – rranchesLTE is an all-IP mobile network core that is optimized for data transfer and to provide a broadband like data services. It was not designed to facilitate Circuit-Switched services (e.g. Telephony or SMS). Short-term solution the CSFB (circuit-switched-fallback) was developed so that LTE users can still have access to CS services. For a richer voice… Read More »Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
- LTE (4G) Circuit-Switched Fallback (CSFB)by suboktech – rranchesCSFB makes circuit switched (CS) services (e.g. voice calls) in a LTE enabled networks. To receive or initiate a CS service, the subscriber or user is temporarily move to the 2G/3G network and re-attach to LTE afterwards. In the following sections we will describe or detailed the CSFB call-flow. In a LTE enabled network, the… Read More »LTE (4G) Circuit-Switched Fallback (CSFB)
- LTE (Long-Term Evolution)by suboktech – rranchesIntroduction Mobile Communications since the early 1980’s keeps on evolving from 2G, 3G, 3.5G, 4G and then recently talks about 5G is in every corner. But before we dig into the latest evolution (i.e. 5G), lets have a look first what is LTE and VoLTE. Technology advances in smartphones and mobile devices drove the evolution… Read More »LTE (Long-Term Evolution)
- Machine Learningby suboktech – rranchesWhat is Machine Learning? With a bit of search I’ve noted two Machine Learning definitions: From an older definition (Arthur Samuel c.a. 1950s): He defined machine learning as the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly learned. From a more recent and technical definition (Tom Mitchell): He says, a computer… Read More »Machine Learning
- SS7 Firewallby suboktech – rranchesIntroduction It may now be considered as legacy but SS7 is still the main interconnect interface to communicate between operators. Over the years, SS7 been targeted by fraudsters (e.g. identity theft, spoofing) and attacks (e.g. DoS). Every operator should make an effort to ensure that traffic passing/traversing their SS7 network is legitimate. Free from unwanted… Read More »SS7 Firewall
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